We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to all those who participated in KSCPP¡¯s 1st essay contest in Italy.
We hope that our contest gave everyone an opportunity to experience the true spirit of Korea.
This year¡¯s winners are as follows:
High School(Scuole Secondarie Superiori)
1st Place: Angela Guarcini, IIS Liceo Lucio Anneo Seneca (Roma)
2nd Place: Grasso Carmen, IIS Enrico de Nicola San Giovanni la punta (CT)
3rd Place: Sara Nofrini, IIS Liceo Lucio Anneo Seneca (Roma)
Honorable Mention:
¡Ü Andrea Roxana Pintea, IIS Liceo Lucio Anneo Seneca (Roma)
Middle School
No Winners for Middle School.
Thank you again for all your great efforts,
and please look for our next essay contest announcement.